Minyan Katan

Welcome to Minyan Katan!

Minyan Katan (Small Minyan) is an independent Minyan of Temple Emunah with approximately 40 active members.

We create and hold roughly 12 events each year, about half of which celebrate Jewish holidays. Past events have included: Tashlikh and Shofar service, Sukkot potluck, Kabbalat Shabbat with musical accompaniment and potluck, game nights, group travel, as well as theater and film outings. Most events are held in people’s homes, which can accommodate the group.

Are you interested in joining us? We are always happy to welcome new members.

To join the mailing list:
Marcy Lidman – marcy.lidman@gmail.com

To talk with the current co-chairs about the group:
Méli Solomon – meli.solomon@gmail.com
Rachel Rosenblum – rosenblum36@gmail.com


Office Hours

Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

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