The Lexington Collaborative program, in conjunction with Hebrew College, is a unique chance to study in depth with outstanding faculty. The classes are informative, stimulating, and actually fun. You do not need to have taken Me’ah Classic (the 100 hour, two-year program) to take the Me’ah Select classes. For more information contact Barbara Posnick.
In this course, we will explore ways of relating Judaism and Science in Jewish thought and law including legal and theological strategies employed in resolving seeming conflicts of Torah and Science. We will discuss how our investigation of these strategies may better direct the use of ancient sources to address contemporary issues. We will also consider how such strategies can help anticipate how Jewish law may respond to changes in scientific understanding and technological capability. The course will be divided into three parts: 1. Theoretical frameworks for relating Torah to Science; 2. Torah and Science in Biblical Commentary; 3. Application to contemporary issues of Torah and Science, such as “Brain Death,” “Assisted Reproductive Technologies,” and “Artificial Intelligence.” |