Our Rabbis Teach

Shabbat Minhah/Ma’ariv Study

Join Rabbi Lerner and Rabbi Eliana Willis for study on Saturday afternoons between Shabbat Minhah and Ma’ariv.

Parashat Hashavua

Join Rabbi Lerner or Rabbi Willis every Tuesday at 4 pm and get your mind ready for the Shabbat to come. Together we will read and discuss the week’s Torah portion, and explore what resonates with us in our own lives. No previous experience is required.

Lunch and Learn/ Dessert and Discussion

Each year our Rabbis select and teach an in-depth course taught by Rabbi Willis during the day and Hebrew College Rabbinical Intern Deborah Anstandig . Topics have included: Beyond Dispute: Debates that Shape Jewish Life, The Ethical Life, Jewish Values in an Age of Choice (JTS) as well as the Shalom Hartman Institute’s iEngage programs.

Wednesday Morning Study with the Rabbis

Join Rabbis Lerner and Willis on Wednesday mornings to explore Halakhah (Jewish Law). We meet each week for minyan at 7:00 am followed by a breakfast full of lively discussion and learning; when in person, the breakfast is funded and provided by the regular attendees. All are welcome.



Office Hours

Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

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