Fill out our event request form to reserve space and provide our staff with basic details (event name, time, location, cost, and setup).
Contact our Director of Programming, Beth Whitman, by email or at (781) 861-0300 upon filling out the form to confirm details.
STEP 2: MARKETING & PUBLICITY* (3-4 weeks before event)
Email Andie Lyttle, Creative Media and Communications Manager, with your short 40-word blurb, any relevant links, and a flyer or image to be promoted in any of the following during the month leading up to your event:
TE Website
Weekly newsletter: Emunah Happenings
Stand alone emails*
Social Media
Email Andie at alyttle@templeemunah.orgAFTERthe event with photos (including the photographer’s name), and a sentence or two about the event.
to ensure each event/initiative gets its proper time in the spotlight
to consistently make the best use of each communications vehicle
so you know what is needed from you, when and where to send it
so you know what to expect
to ensure we don’t over-communicate to our members
*Please note: The Marketing Communications team has final discretion on inclusion, format and type of representation.